Our Goal:
To enhance the Catholic Identity of the school community.
Religious Education is at the heart of all that happens at St Peter’s as we develop our understandings of what it means to be Catholic in today’s rapidly changing world. We see our parents as the primary educators in the faith of their children and we work in partnership to support them in this role.
Our curriculum follows the Archdiocesan Guidelines Coming to Know, Worship and Love. Units of work are planned with our Religious Education Leader to suit the needs of the children and to link with the Sacramental Program. Many of the units also have a direct link to social justice and action. We have Social Justice Leaders in each class and these students prepare and lead social justice actions and mission initiatives.
Our curriculum links closely with the Parish/School Sacramental Program.
We offer :
- Reconciliation in Year 3
- Eucharist in Year 4
- Confirmation in Year 6.
We support the Sacramental Program with school Masses, class Masses and Masses for special occasions.
Prayer is an integral part of the day and Sacred Spaces are designated for prayer celebrations and religious displays.
And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church....
— Gospel of St. Matthew 16:18